How Your Heart and Smile Are Connected

By Family Dentistry & Aesthetics Inc.

smiling senior womanHeart disease is the leading cause of death for American females and males. Roughly 70 percent of Americans have or will develop gum disease at some point in their life. How are these two statistics related? Poor oral hygiene fails to remove harmful bacteria in your mouth, which leads to gum disease. Research has shown a link between mouth bacteria and heart disease. For example, it’s been proven that mouth bacteria can enter your blood stream via bleeding gums and cause your arteries to thicken, leading to atherosclerosis. Drs. Thomas T. Teel and Thomas M. Gilbert stress the importance of regular dental visits and proper oral health in order to maintain a healthy, well-functioning heart.

Call Our Office Today at (260) 432-0561

To schedule a dental visit or cleaning with Drs. Teel and Gilbert in Fort Wayne, IN call 260-432-0561 today. One of our qualified doctors will determine if you’re at risk for unwanted gum disease.

Gum Disease 

Gum disease often goes undetected because symptoms aren’t always obvious. You can have gum disease without showing any warning signs, which makes it pretty dangerous, in our opinion. For that exact reason, it is often referred to as a silent disease. In some cases, gum disease presents itself in the form of red, swollen gums. A tale-tell sign is bleeding when you brush or floss your teeth. Other symptoms include receding gums, teeth that feel loose, and frequent bad breath.

Heart Disease

Poor oral hygiene has been linked to medical conditions such as endocarditis (inflammation in the heart’s inner lining), cardiovascular disease, and atherosclerosis (thickening of arterial wall). Bacteria in the blood stream often leads to clogged arteries, which leads to the obstruction of proper blood flow. We don’t have to tell you how important it is for your heart to effectively pump blood throughout your body; healthy blood flow is important to the proper functioning of all our vital organs.

Connection Between Oral and Heart Health

You may have heard of Streptococcus mutans. This pesky bacterium is responsible for both tooth decay and clogged arteries. Bacteria thrive and hide in warm, moist, dark spaces such as your mouth. Effective oral hygiene can remove bacteria, reducing the risk of it spreading to the rest of your body through your blood stream.

The same bacteria responsible for gum disease has been found in Americans who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Bacteria in the blood stream can also increase the risk of strokes and the development of diabetes.

Fort Wayne, IN Drs. Teel and Gilbert offer regular dental cleanings to remove the hard-to-reach bacteria and tartar that lead to undesirable gum and heart disease. Schedule a professional cleaning with one of our doctors to reduce your risk of gum disease and improve your overall health.

Proper Oral Hygiene

There isn’t a cure for gum disease, however Drs. Teel and Gilbert can manage and reduce your symptoms. Along with biannual dental visits and professional cleanings, gum disease can be prevented by good oral hygiene. Gum disease prevention starts with twice-daily brushing. We encourage our patients to use a soft-bristle toothbrush. Along with this, it’s important to floss once a day. This will effectively remove any food particles that are trapped between your teeth. Food between your teeth leads to bacteria build-up, as well as unpleasant bad breath.

Furthermore, we stress the importance of using an antibacterial mouthwash. It’s best to use mouthwash twice a day, however committing to at least once a day produces beneficial results. A tongue scraper removes bacteria that reside on the surface of your tongue. Scrapers are inexpensive and can be purchased at most grocery stores. It’s the perfect finishing step to maintain a healthy mouth.

For more information on good oral hygiene and the prevention of heart and gum disease, schedule an appointment with Dr. Teel or Dr. Gilbert. We offer thorough dental cleanings and provide you with all the information you need to maintain a happy, healthy mouth. Call 260-432-0561 today.

Call Our Office Today at (260) 432-0561

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