Dental Implants Recovery: What Happens as Dental Implants Heal

By Family Dentistry & Aesthetics Inc.

Dental implants patients When you choose to replace a lost or irreparably damaged tooth with a dental implant at Family Dentistry & Aesthetics, our team will make sure you are well taken care of, every step of the way. Dental implants can last for the rest of your life, so the brief outpatient surgery is certainly worth your time.

Part of the postsurgical process includes properly caring for the implant site and taking time to adhere to postop instructions, which your dentist will provide for you. Expect the site to heal over a week or two, but your jaw will continue to bond with the biocompatible implant posts for four to six months. Because each patient is unique, and everyone heals differently, it may take a little longer. You can wear a temporary prosthetic while your bone heals.

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To learn more about dental implants, call our Fort Wayne, IN, office today at (260) 432-0561 and schedule an appointment with one of our doctors.

What to Expect During and After Dental Implant Surgery

Depending on the type of dental implant you need and the state of your jaw health, you may require a bone graft before the implant procedure. A bone graft is an extra step that, if recommended, will improve the ability for your jawbone to integrate with the implants (called osseointegration). Healthy jawbone density and a healthy mouth contribute to the long-term success of a dental implant. If bone grafting is performed, your jawbone will need time to heal before implant placement. Your dentist will advise you of the details regarding the prerequisite procedure and how it fits into your overall treatment plan.

The implant surgery takes just one visit, and you’ll recover at home. Patients usually need a day or two before returning to most activities, including work. You’ll be given the type of anesthetic or sedation that you and your doctor agreed upon in your consultation. Once the medication is administered, you’ll remain comfortable throughout the procedure. To secure the implant post(s), the doctor will create a flap in your gum tissue and shape or reshape the socket that will hold the implant. A bone growth enhancer will be added to the implant to stimulate osseointegration.

For the first few days after surgery, avoid spitting, rinsing, and disturbing the site to help reduce the risk of infection and/or dry socket. Following these tips help you have a successful recovery:

  • Take pain medications and antibiotics as directed by your doctor.
  • Eat soft foods during the first few days and drink plenty of water.
  • Keep the surgical site clean by rinsing with warm salt water.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day, but avoid brushing the surgical site.
  • Keep your head elevated and ice your jawbone for the first few days to manage any swelling.
  • Gently bite down on gauze for the first 24 hours to keep any bleeding under control.
  • Avoid wearing mouth appliances (retainers, night guards, dentures, etc.) for at least 10 days, or as directed by the doctor.
  • Avoid smoking for at least two weeks after surgery.

 Your Recovery and Results

Once the post has successfully fused with your jaw, the doctor will place the connecter, also referred to as the abutment. The abutment will hold the crown in place. The last step is connecting the restoration to the abutment. Whether your dental implant involves a crown, bridge, or denture, comfortable dental function and an attractive smile should be expected. Properly care for and maintain your implant, and you can expect it to last indefinitely.

During your recovery, be aware of any signs of infection, which include an increase in pain, a fever, excessive swelling, and/or bleeding. Call the doctor’s office right away if you notice any of these symptoms.

Call Us Today

Do you have damaged or missing teeth? A dental implant can help renew your smile. To learn how dental implants can benefit you, call our Fort Wayne, IN, office today at (260) 432-0561 to schedule an appointment with one of our doctors.

Read Next: Seven Things You Should Know About Dental Implants

Call Our Office Today at (260) 432-0561

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